


We strive to nourish the faith of children with compassionate teachers, well-rounded curriculum, and United Methodist values so our children may grow up knowing: God loves you, no matter what!

Check out our Facebook Page:

Sign Up for Children's Ministry emails

by emailing Jennifer at

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

9:00-9:45 am | CCLC Preschool Classrooms | Kindergarten - 5th Grade

anytime anywhere Sunday School

playlist on our YouTube channel to entertain kids

Worship Bags

Mosaic & Traditional Worship

Worship Bags are packed with paper, crayons, coloring sheets, pipe cleaners, and other activities. Bags are located in the mosaic gathering space and near the entrances to the sanctuary.

Children are always welcome in worship, but a nursery is available for children 0-5 years old. The Nursery at Mosaic is located in the middle of the building, and room 148 on the main campus across the breezeway from the sanctuary.

Children are vital to the life of the church and their noise is more than welcome. If you need to/ want to step out at any point during the service feel free to get up and walk around!

Wednesday Nights

Kindergarten - 4th Grade Wednesdays 6-7 pm on the playground or Binkley Hall in poor weather. Children will have a short lesson and then play till time for parent pick-up!

Contact Jennifer Snyder with any questions at:

Tween Scene

6:00 – 7:30 pm | Tween Room (102) | 5th & 6th grade

Leader: Terri Rockhill-Muller

Tween Scene is a place where tweens can have their very own spiritual growth time away from siblings, older youth, and younger children. Children are encouraged to ask questions and actively discover their faith through group discussions, crafty activities, and reflection.