Adult Ministries
Bible studies
Bible studies are an opportunity to fine-tune and deepen our understanding of God’s Word and God’s call on our lives. In warm and friendly settings, people gather to dig a little deeper into aspects of Christian living.
For more information on Bible Studies, contact
Bible Studies we have throughout the year
Men’s Breakfast and Study Tuesdays 6:30 am in Binkley Hall
Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00 pm in the Faith Sunday School classroom
Men’s Lunch Bible Study Group 12:00 pm in the church conference room
Adult bible studies on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm
Young Adult Bible Study on Wednesday at 8:00 pm at Mosaic
Online Bible Study with Pastor Abbey Mondays at 11:00 am
Sunday School, 9:00-9:45 AM on Sunday mornings
Adults connect with other adults through the sharing of their faith and their personal stories in a weekly setting where they feel accepted and loved. Sunday school classes present an opportunity to learn together about scripture and faith issues that matter to us most. Together we find ways to navigate the complexities of Christian life in a secular world.
Asbury Class, our most open class, is a group of active senior adults who are highly visible in the life of the church. We enjoy scripture-based bible lessons and lively discussions during the Sunday School hour and frequently fellowship together outside of church involvement. One of our favorite gatherings is a monthly "Game Night" at select member's homes to enjoy a meal and fellowship. We readily encourage and accept new members into our joyful circle. Be our guest in room 127.
Bible Class, our most neighborly class, Through study and discussion of the Old and New Testaments, members delve deeply into the texts, topics, and discussions that allow their relationship to their faith and with God to grow. Not only does the group discuss their thoughts with each other during class, learning different perspectives, but they support each other outside of class as well. They enjoy each other's company within and outside the classroom - from developing new friendships to well-attended planned gatherings. Come see us in room 129.
Climbers Class - our most welcoming class We meet in the prettiest room in the building, the Parlor, or room 140. We study together and grow together in a loving supportive environment. You are invited to climb with us.
F.A.I.T.H Class - our most friendly class, our name says it all. FAITH stands for Friends Are In The Heart. Plus, we have the best-class origin story ever. Sometime 50 or 60 years ago a few people of FMC decided to form the FAITH Sunday School class. However, it was discovered there was no room in the inn i.e. no classrooms available in the church. So some unknown person from the class asked an acquaintance of his from Finley Playhouse if the class could meet there until a room became available in the inn. You are invited to come to make new friends, learn together, and get your week off to a great start! We meet in room 131.
Genesis Class - our most inviting class. Most of us are in our 30's-50's but all people are welcome. We combine life study and bible study to see how we might apply our relationship with Jesus Christ in our daily lives. We meet in room 125.
Samaritan Class is an inclusive environment for adults with physical and mental disabilities that focuses on how Jesus loves them. We meet in room 145.
Interest Groups
Interest Groups gather around a special interest, and in doing so, respond to God’s love in their life by extending love to one another. Some groups produce gifts for others to receive in times of need, some care for God’s creation, and others present an opportunity for people to get to know each other better.
For more information on Interest Groups, email
Ladies on a Mission
Meets January -May and September-December
Inter-generational women meet to respond to God’s word through missions and other ministries.
2nd Wednesday of the Month | 11:00 am | Holy Grounds
Ladies on a Mission (formerly UMW) has a new name and a new time. Beginning with our meeting on October 9th we will now be meeting at 11:00 in the Holy Grounds Coffee Shop. Our speaker for October will be Tom Matthews, one of the church trustees. We've asked Tom to give us an overview of all of the changes that have been happening around our church property. The meeting will end with plenty of time to make Denise's noon bible study. Come join an active group of ladies within the church and learn about some of the mission work that happens within and around our church home.
Book Club
Meets Monthly to discuss our book of the month! We meet in the gathering space at Mosaic at 6:00 pm on the last Monday of the Month. Email or with any questions and to be added to the group me for any calendar/ meeting updates.
Check out our calendar of books:
Memorial Garden Keepers
Garden maintenance | Memorial Garden | Courtyard
The Master Gardeners teach care for all kinds of plants in a “lab” situation.
Ladies Movie Night
2nd Sundays of the month| 6:15pm at group member’s homes
Contact Lisa Dunlop or the Church Office for more information!